Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Muffin Top Exercise/Helene's Story

This exercise is a client favorite, because it gets rid of the dreaded muffin top!! If you don't have a ball (they are only about $10), you can do this on the ground. The ball works your core and hamstrings a little more. Lay on the ball like so and do little lifts up with your upper body, keeping your arms out straight like the picture. So to start your hands would be on the ground and body relaxed around the ball, then to lift, raise your arms and lift up as far as you can. Then lower about six inches then lift back up. This is a very small motion, like a pulse. You will keep the muscle working the entire time this way. Try to do 15-20 reps 3 different times. You can do some crunches inbetween to rest the back a moment. If you need more stability you can place your feet against the wall. This was also a great exercise because it strengthens the hamstrings. A lot of knee problems can come from weak hamstrings.

Helene is one of my dearest clients who suffered major knee problems. I shouldn't even call her a client because she is family. We have been through a lot together. I love her dearly. She wanted to tell her story of how working out with me helped her.

Take it away Helene!

When I was 16, I was having the time of my life playing soccer. I was the only freshman to make Varsity the prior year, and was getting approached non-stop at the college showcases. August 2nd 2005, my travel team was playing our final game at the Stetson College showcase. I placed my leg out to redirect the ball and for the next year I was out of commission. From that one movement, I tore my ACL completely, as well as medial meniscus. But the thing that hurt even more than me knee, was my loss of identity. I had always played soccer, and was known for being good at it. I didn't know what I was going to do. I was devastated. After 4 months of rehab and learning to walk again, I decided I needed a more intense routine in order to be on the fast track to recovery. A few years prior to this my mother had worked out with the most beautiful and fair trainer in all of the gym, the wonderful and talented Tara! This struck a chord with my father, knowing how much my mother enjoyed her and the results that ensued. I was introduced to Tara and I was immediately in the pursuit of happiness. We worked out continuously every week, 3 times a week for 3 years. Tara taught me how to take care of myself physically and gave me every tool necessary to know how to eat right, work out and be able to mentally push through the tough stuff. By getting fitter, it made me mentally happier as well. Things in life, seemed to be falling into place the more I was taking care of my body. Not only did I win Best Physique for my High School, but I also eared myself a spot on the one of the nations top 10 NAIA women's soccer divisions at the time, playing for Savannah College of Art and Design. Tara has truly become family to me and I still continue to work out with her 3 times week every chance I am able to come to town. I have also never had a reoccurring injury, thanks to all of the great exercises Tara taught me. She continues to send me information on new moves to keep me challenged. I currently train using Tara's workouts 5 days a week now and feel great.  THANK YOU, TARA FOR SAVING MY LIFE!! 

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