Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Green Smoothie- the other liquid gold

Well, we know that breast milk is liquid gold.  I want to share with you about Green Smoothies, the Other Liquid Gold! I have drank a Green Smoothie every day, since the day I got pregnant with Arabella.  At I first started with kale and green apples in the blender with water and ice. Now I put any and every kind of green I can find (I try to use what is local or out of my garden). I have used green chard, red chard, broccoli leaves from my garden, celery, collards and spinach. I always mix in an apple with a citrus (the vitamin C in the citrus helps to absorb the iron in the greens).
If you are new to green smoothies, you might want to start with spinach. It doesn't have as strong a taste as other greens. I put spinach, red apple, carrots and a little bit of lemon. I put the whole fruit in the blender one piece at a time and blend well with water and ice.
Today, I made one with broccoli leaves, celery, cucumber, carrots, frozen blueberries, green apple and half a banana. Then I drink it all day long. You would not believe the boost in energy you feel. My dad (who has been in the hospital for 3 weeks) said he felt so alive after drinking the one I made for him today.
The health benefits go on and on. The raw greens give you the most nutrients. They are full of iron (boost your blood and your babies) vitamin K (great for blood clotting (keep you from hemorrhaging after birth) and full of fiber (keep you regular and full). Drinking this while you are pregnant will help your baby develope taste buds for healthy food. As you can see Arabella loves her kale. : )
I have been so fortunate to have a wonderful supply of breast milk since Arabella was 1 day old and think it is because of how healthy I eat.  Usually, it takes a couple of days for your milk to come in but mine came in with gusto right away. Arabella was 9 lbs when she was born and was 11 lbs when she was a week old. Usually a baby looses weight the 1st week.
I am convinced that my Liquid Green aka Green Smoothies made my Liquid Gold aka Breast milk flourish. I had such a bountiful supply, I was fortunate enough to donate my milk to Penelope (one of Arabella's friends who is about 7 weeks younger then her).  When she was born she had a difficult time trying to nurse and Stephanie (Penelope's mama) didn't have enough milk when she pumped. She asked me if I would donate my breast milk.  I had never heard of this and it blew my mind a little.  After I got over the shock of it, I felt honored.  I started pumping for Penelope.  We were able to supply enough milk so Penelope didn't have to have any Formula.  Now that is team work!

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